北朝鮮VSアメリカ サイバー戦争













Tensions between the USA and North Korea are rising following the cyber-attack on the film company Sony Pictures, and the subsequent decision by Sony to cancel all screenings of its movie ‘The Interview’. The cancelled film is a political action comedy about two US journalists who arrange an interview with North Korean leader Kim Jong-un with the intention of assassinating him. A group calling itself The Guardians of Peace has claimed responsibility for the attack. It warned that it would attack 9/11 style any cinema that showed the movie. It also threatened Sony that it would put online more confidential data that could damage the company if it did not pull the movie.


Sony canceled the release of its movie “in the interests of public safety” after several US cinema chains refused to screen it. This has caused a storm of protest in America. President Obama said: “We cannot have a society in which some dictators some place can start imposing censorship here.” He added: “Imagine what they start doing once they see a documentary that they don’t like or news reports that they don’t like.” Senator John McCain called the cyber-attack “an act of war” and “the greatest blow to free speech” he had seen in his lifetime. Another politician said: “America has lost its first cyber-war.” Actor Rob Lowe tweeted: “Everyone caved [in]. The hackers won. An utter and complete victory for them.”




Tension 緊張 subsequent 続いて screening 上映  arrange an interview インタビューのセッティング   has claimed responsibility for the attack 攻撃への責任を声明する(自分がやった、との犯行声明)  pull the movie 映画の上映をひきさげる(やめる)  interests 利益(公共の) censorship 検閲 cave in 屈服する、崩壊する utter 完全な





北朝鮮とアメリカの緊張は、ソニーピクチャー映画会社へのサイバーアタックと、それに続いてソニーが映画”The Interview”の上映をとりやめたことで高まっています。キャンセルされた映画は、二人のアメリカ人ジャーナリストが金正恩暗殺の意図をもってインタビューをセッティングする、という政治的コメディーです。平和の使徒と名乗るグループが犯行を声明しました。彼らは映画を上映したすべてのシネマを9/11方式で攻撃するとしています。また、もしも映画の上映をとりやめない際には、会社にとって損害となる機密情報をネットにさらす、と脅迫。




Read more:音源はコチラから!


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