日別アーカイブ: 2020年4月16日

Eye Contact Is Key!

Good day!

It’s getting warmer nowadays, so I think it would be a good idea to spend some time changing wardrobes now! It’s time to put away those winter clothes and bring out the summer ones!



Today’s Riddle:

If your answer was “one”, then you got it right!


The question was “How many aliens were there on planet Mars?” An alien is a something/someone that we are not familiar with or is a mystery to us. So for the creatures living in Mars, humans are aliens because they don’t know what we are, and there was only one human who went there, which brings us to answer, 1!

For this week, here’s the riddle:

“What gets wet while drying?”


It’s super simple! You can usually find this in your shower room! 



Today’s Conversational Point:

One cultural social cue I’ve noticed after having been living in Japan for a few years is “eye contact”. In the Philippines and in most Western countries, we talk to the other person while maintaining eye contact with them. Some people look away when they’re telling something long or sharing a story because it would be strange to look at someone’s eyes for a long time! (Haha)


However, in Japan, eye contact is not so apparent, perhaps because of its culture. Don’t worry, it takes some practice. I’ve read online that ideally, maintaining 4-5 seconds of eye contact  at a time would be great. In my case, there are cultural things in Japan I still have to learn. As of now,  I still have to remember how low I should bow depending on the situation I’m in. I hope this helps!



Today’s Column:


In connection with how some of us are working remotely, this video shows how much free time do all of us really have. It’s interesting, so please give it a try. Remember, of course knowing what each word means is good, but more importantly, try to understand what the video is trying to say / what the message of the video is. 


And before I end my blog post for this week, here’s a music video by Bonobo called “Cirrus”. It’s really cool and the video clips are similar to the video above.



Remember to take care of yourself!
