【最初の6問を制するものがTOEIC L&R を制す!】


今日からPart 1「リスニング写真描写問題」の解き方を解説します。

Part 1の出題数は6問です。


TOEIC L&R・Part 1の攻略ポイント1は、



試験が始まると、Part 1の問題が始まる前に、

・「リスニングパート(Part 1~4まで)」の説明ナレーション
・Part 1の説明ナレーション
・Part 1の例題ナレーション



・「リスニングパート(Part 1~4まで)」の説明ナレーション

Listening TEST

In the Listening test, you will be asked to demonstrate how well you understand spoken English.

The entire Listening test will last approximately 45 minutes.

There are four parts, and directions are given for each part.

You must mark your answer on the separate answer sheet.

Do not write your answers in your test book.

・Part 1の説明ナレーション

Part 1

Directions: For each question in this part, you will hear four statements about a picture in your test book.

When you hear the statements, you must select the one statement that best describes what you see in the picture.

Then find the number of the question on your answer sheet and mark your answer.

The statements will not be printed in your test book and will be spoken only one time.

・Part 1の例題ナレーション

Look at the example item below

Now listen to the four statements.

(A) They’re moving some furniture.
(B) They’re entering a meeting room.
(C) They’re sitting at a table.
(D) They’re cleaning the carpet.

Statement (C), “They’re sitting at a table,” is the best description of the picture, so you should select answer (C) and mark it on your answer sheet.
((C) の文、“They’re sitting at a table”(彼らはテーブルのところに座っている)がこの写真を最も適切に描写しているので、(C) を選び、解答用紙にマークします)

Now Part 1 will begin.


さらには、2問と3問の間に「Go on to the next page」のポーズが入るので、
